Visa Regulations

Applying to study at California Language Academy is easy!  We are passionate about the success of each of our students and we are dedicated to making the application process as easy as possible. There are three main categories that you will fall under and the application process for each of these categories is very different. We are here to help! Contact us if you have any questions!

US Residents, Visitors & Other Visas

US Residents, or Students who want to study Part-time in the US for a short period of time, do not need an F-1 Student Visa.  Other visa holders may study Full-time or part-time but there are restrictions. Check if you can study Full-time on your Visa:


  • Part-Time classes: 15 hours or less per week
  • Full-Time classes: 18 hours or more per week
             Principal may attend school at CLA       Dependent may attend school at CLA
 VISA TYPE                       Full-Time         Part-Time                 Full-Time    Part-Time
A. Foreign Government Officials                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
B.Visitors                             No              Yes                      N/A          N/A
C.Aliens in Transit                             No               No                       No           No
D. Crewmen                             No               No                       No           No
E. Treaty Traders and Treaty Investors                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
F. Academic or Language Students                     See “Initial” or “Transfer” F-1                       No           No
G. Representatives to International Organizations                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
H. Temporaty Workers                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
I. Foreign Media Representatives                            Yes              Yes                      N/A          N/A
J. Exchange Visitors                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
K. Fiancé(e)s and Spouses of U.S. Citizens                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
L. Intracompany Transferees                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
M. Vocational or other Nonacademic Students                            Yes              Yes                       No          Yes
N. Certain Parents & Children of Special Immigrants                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
O. Workers with Extraordinary Abilities                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
P. Artists, Athletes, and Entertainers                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
Q. International Cultural Exchange Visitors                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
R. Religious Workers                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
S. Witnesses and Informants                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
T. Alien Victims of Human Trafficking                             Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
U. Alien Victims of Certain Crimes Pending                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
V. Certain Second Preference Benefeciaries                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
US Residents (Green card holders & Citizens)                            Yes              Yes                      Yes          Yes
Note: Part-Time classes at CLA are avocational in nature and are a maximum of 15 hours per week.
See Visa Types by clicking here.
How to Apply?

US Residents, Visitors and all Other Visas

US Residents do not need an F-1 Student Visa to study in the US. Neither do students who want to study part-time for a short period of time (less than 90 days). Other visa holders may be eligible to study full-time or part-time. We understand that the visa restrictions seem complicated and we are here to help you decide which program is the right one for you. The good news is that the application process for each of these visas is exactly the same and very simple. We are always here to help you through it.

Application Process:

Come to the CLA center and bring the following: Apply online:
1. Completed paper Application 1. Submit your Application online here
2. Your passport & Visa (US residents can bring an ID) 2. Email your passport and Visa to:
3. Pay your Application Fee of $125 3. Pay your Application Fee of $125 (online)
4. CLA will give you Acceptance Letters and Invoices 4. CLA will send you Acceptance Letters and Invoices

If you have any questions, problems or concerns, please contact CLA and an immigration specialist will be happy to provide you with additional assistance to make the process as smooth as possible.

Initial F-1 Visa Student

Students who wish to study Full-Time in the US and are applying from over seas have to obtain an F-1 Visa.


  • Minimum hours of study: 18 Hours per week
  • Maximum length of study at CLA: 3 years
  • This process is for students that do not have an F-1 Visa. If you currently have an F-1 Visa please see the “Transfer F-1 Visa Student” section.

Initial F-1 Student Visa Applicant

Coming to the US to study is fun and exciting. However, the process can at times seem complicated.
We want to ensure the entire process is easy. We are here to guide you through it and help you with
any questions. Here is what you have to do step-by-step to come and study at CLA on a Student Visa (F1 Visa).

Application Process:

Step 1: Apply to CLA by mail or online

  1. Complete the Application (paper or online).
  2. Complete the Financial Verification Form.
  3. Email copy of bank statements to show proof of financial eligibility.
  4. Email a copy of your passport.
  5. Pay all of the necessary Enrollment Fees directly to CLA or online.
  • Application Fee: $125
  • Shipping Fee: $75
  • Total Due: $200

Once all of the required documents are received and enrollment fees are collected, CLA will mail a welcome packet to you that will contain the original I-20 form, an acceptance letter, an invoice detailing the total program costs and instructions on how to pay the required I-901 fees to SEVP. Separately, we will send you an email containing your student handbook, school policies and
procedures, useful facts, and the tracking ID of your package.

Step 2: Pay I-901 Fees and Apply for F-1 Visa

Once you receive your welcome packet, you will need to pay the required I-901 fees directly to SEVP (instructions on how to pay this will be provided in your welcome packet). You will then need to schedule an appointment with the US Embassy or Consulate in your country to apply for an F-1 Student Visa. You will be required to attend an in-person interview. Applying to the US embassy or consulate in your country can vary depending on your country’s requirements, therefore please see US Embassy website in your country.

  1. Pay $200 I-901 Fee directly to SEVP and print the receipt.
  2. Sign the original I-20 and make a copy of the fully signed I-20 Form.
    1. Complete an Online Visa Application for the F-1 Student Visa.
    2. Complete embassy application form (DS-160)
  3. Upload a photo
  4. Contact the US Embassy or Consulate in your country and schedule an F-1 visa interview.
    Wait times for interview appointments vary by location, season, and visa category, so you should apply for your visa early.
    The US embassy or consulate will provide you with an interview letter confirming your interview.
  5. Bring all of the required documentation and proof of fees paid to your Visa Interview.
    This includes:

    • Current Passport
    • Form DS-160 confirmation page
    • Copy of the DS-160 Photo
    • Original I-20 (fully signed by a CLA representative and you)
    • Receipt of I-901 Fees paid
      • Financial Verification Form and copy of supporting Bank Statements
      • CLA Acceptance Letter and Invoice
  6. Here is a helpful link on how to apply for the F-1 Student Visa.

Step 3: Traveling to the US

Once you receive your F-1 student visa, you may purchase flights.

You can enter the country up to 30 days before the start date on your I-20 form. You must enter the United States with the following documents:

  • Current Passport with F-1 Visa
  • Original Form I-20 (signed by CLA representative and you)
  • I-901 Fee payment receipt
  • Completed Form I-94

Step 4: After you enter the United States

Please come to California Language Academy on or before the scheduled start date on your I-20 form with the following documents:

  • Current Passport with F-1 Visa
  • Original Form I-20 (signed by CLA representative and you) stamped by Immigration
  • Completed Form I-94
  • Address in the United States
  • CLA Acceptance Letter and Invoice
  • Payment for the remaining tuition balance

Please note that you must report to CLA by 9:00am on your scheduled start date for registration and orientation. If you do not arrive by your scheduled start date, your visa may be cancelled.

If you have any questions, problems or concerns, please contact CLA and an immigration specialist will be happy to provide you with additional assistance to make the process as smooth as possible.

Transfer F-1 Visa Student

Students who are currently studying in the US on an F-1 visa and want to transfer to CLA have a simplified application process.


  • Minimum hours of study: 18 Hours/Week
  • Maximum length of study at CLA: 3 years
  • This process is for students that already have an F-1 Visa. If you do not currently have an F-1 Visa please see the “Initial F-1 Visa Student” section.

Transfer F-1 Student Visa Applicant

If you already have an F-1 Visa and an I-20 that is still in status, transferring to CLA is fast and easy. The best way is to come directly to the CLA center with the following documents:

  1. Completed Application (online)
  2. Passport with F-1 Visa
  3. I-94 Form
  4. I-20 from your current school
  5. Completed Financial Verification Form
  6. Copy of bank statements to show proof of financial eligibility
  7. Non-Refundable Enrollment Fee of $125 either at CLA or online
  8. Tuition and Materials Fees for desired length of study either at CLA or online

Once you arrive at CLA, we will provide a Transfer Form that will need to be completed by your current school prior to the completion of your current program. Your current school will then “transfer” your I-20 to CLA and we will create a new I-20 for you. This process generally takes only a couple of days depending on your current school.

Please note that you must report to CLA by 9:00am on your scheduled start date for registration and orientation. If you do not arrive by your scheduled start date, your visa may be cancelled.

If you have any questions, problems or concerns, please contact CLA and an immigration specialist will be happy to provide you with additional assistance to make the process as smooth as possible.

Contact us
Los Angeles - Main Campus

8632 South Sepulveda Boulevard, #203
Los Angeles, CA 90045

+1 (310) 910-0133
Los Angeles - Hollywood Campus

3440 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1000
Los Angeles, CA 90010

+1 (213) 397-4447
San Diego

444 West C Street, #420
San Diego, CA 92101

+1 (619) 955-5528
San Francisco

312 Sutter Street #402
San Francisco, CA 94108

+1 (628) 628 6444

7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church,
VA 22043, 2nd Floor #220N

+1 (202) 717-4545

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